Loved this article and your poem, great writing. ----- Sometimes I think we give too much credit to the generations of the past, in the sense that because they're not here to show us their flaws we act like they wouldn't be following the same patterns of conformity enforcement or controlling what art should be in their respective generations, demonizing art that went against the status-quo of those times. So I guess the only timeless thing we should strive for in art is what we feel the objective truth is, and even then what we think we have found to be the objective truth, may not be it at all, but we have to take the risk!

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Thank you so much! I love your point. I'm very wary of romanticizing the past because distance can make it harder to see flaws.

We've got some unique challenges to overcome in the arts now; one strange new development is how often the people trying to restrict and censor artists are actually other artists! But there's hope.

And yes, the more we aim for objective truth and genuine understanding of our obstacles, the more hopeful the future is.

Thank you for reading!!

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Coming from you, that's a special compliment. Thank you!

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