May 11Liked by Salomé Sibonex

The conversation embedded in this article is chilling. Indoctrination and a modern day struggle session in real time. Wouldn’t have enjoyed being on the “wrong” side in this one.

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That was my reaction as well! Will has nerves of steel for being able to withstand the nasty treatment and tactics used against him in that conversation, but it's so useful to see how people promoting those ideas act when challenged in good faith!

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Thank you for articulating something that I have been finding deeply distributing.

I'm very excited for a new way of educating. At the moment I would only consider homeschooling if I have children. But I'm very open to new considerations.

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So glad you enjoyed this essay! It hits home hard for those of us that love learning and see something extra disturbing in the trend of adults exploiting education for their own egoic activism. I'm in the same homeschool or nothing boat as you. Though like this essay points out, I believe we'll have other great options on the horizon soon.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Salomé Sibonex

The world needs more Black Sheep like you. I can't wait to see what you do next, Will!

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I have no idea how you were able to tolerate those nonsensical language-distortions and the goofy-assed "questions" that aren't questions that such distortion enables.

HR bot with the petulant 5-year-old body language bottom-right cheered on by the melted smug scarecrow muppet top-right perma nodding to sermons no one believes in.

The tedious unearned brow-beating in that insanely racist struggle session is beyond me.

Every single one of those people was attacking you in the worst faith imaginable.

The host being some corny-assed morning drive time DJ who's actively fucking up the dialogue and demonstrating rooting interests is the cherry on top.

Circular illogic layered on circular illogic.

Bloviating arrogance and dead eyes.

How is it that the most obviously inept, incurious people in the world speak with such certainty?

Profoundly unserious.

"appropriate information"

"why folks need to stop reading this book"

"you already agreed that you have not been properly educated"

"I'm not here to exchange ideas"

"the reason I'm not gonna do any more educating on myself"

These are idiot solipsist control fetishists.

Pseudo-religious fascists.

Don't give them an inch.

The fact that young minds are exposed to these bloodsucking freaks is horrifying.

Say "that's problematic" like it holds water one more time.

Jesus Christ.

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May 11Liked by Salomé Sibonex

So , how much time is wasted on this crap? I was always for public education, but home schooling is looking a lot better to me now. Glad my kids weren’t exposed to all this!

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I think it is undeniably present in most schools to varying degrees based on geographic location and things like that. It is precisely why I built my own ed. platform

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Yep, homeschooling is what I'll want to do with my future kids. Public school education had its problems already, but the growing idea that teachers should also be CRT activists is a problem of another magnitude!

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As my daughter might say, "unserious" discourse. Kudos, Black Sheep.

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Hahaha, your daughter is awesome, that's spot on!

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