Dec 7, 2021Liked by Salomé Sibonex

Did I catch an allusion to Jimmy Dore in there?

I'm old enough to remember the cultural and political revolution of 1980, a reaction to the excesses of the 1970s, that resulted in the gutting of the American middle classes 30 years later. And for a few months now I've been telling anyone who will listen a reaction is coming to the current insanity of (I hate this term) "wokeism."

A lot of of Bluechecks will be very unhappy when this new swing of the pendulum occurs. Lucky for me, I will be old and (hopefully) living in a wilderness, and will probably enjoy it.

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Appreciate your perspective on this one! I’m relieved to hear at least one other person knows we should be expecting a backlash.

It’s such a simple practice to stretch your perspective just a little farther than the present, but seems to be so rare. I have a feeling the immediacy and attention-span fracturing nature of social media and the 24/7 news cycle is making that longer-term perspective even more rare.

Haha, you’re planning on the same survival strategy as me then!

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You'll hear from me a little more on another subject later, maybe over the weekend.

The problem with allowing the pendulum to swing too far, as the current culture warriors have done, is you can get some very bad results when it finally, inevitably, swings back. I reference the early 1980s because I lived through it, and at the time I definitely approved of what was going on (let's face it, things got pretty out of hand, culturally, in the 1970s). But in retrospect we can see the Reagan Revolution (as it was called, but it was much bigger than a new President) gave license to the elites to plunder the country with a blithe disregard for the population not seen since the Gilded Age. So the end result was very bad.

So while I look forward to the eventual death of CRT and all the rest, I am more than a little nervous about what counter-ideology will replace it. German-speaking countries are already officially vilifying and segregating an unpopular minority. What could possibly go wrong?

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