Before we were The Black Sheep, we were a newsletter named Spiritual Soap. Please enjoy this article from our history!
Hey yall, I have an exciting announcement about some changes happening for Spiritual Soap.
Now making visual sense of the weird and the güd every week will be Luis Colina (Twitter, Instagram), who already provided the wonderfully orange and psyche-speaking works of original art in last week’s newsletter. He’s a good person and I’ve enjoyed his style of art for a very long time.
A Bit About All This
Allegory of Painting
I’m really thrilled that Spiritual Soap will now be giving you original writing and original art side-by-side. It’s an interesting project we’re undertaking to create an intersection between visual art and written concepts, particularly in psychology and philosophy, that can often seem grey and built of words alone.
I invite you to pause and really take in the art as you would in a museum. I find art seen online has less impact (and command of our attention spans) because of how much imagery we’re now foie gras-ed into consuming.
Try to fight back against that here. Consciously let the art impact you. The reason we go to museums is not for the buildings but to see art; it’s the conscious choice to see art as opposed to using it via social media to pass stagnant time in traffic or in a line that creates a difference (and deficit) in how it impacts us.
Slow down and see. Feel how the interplay between visuals and words affects your perception.
Portrait of a Friend (Vincent)
I think and hope you’ll find this to be an enjoyable experience.