You’ve got a front-row seat to a major transformation.
We’ve come a long way from the first edition of this newsletter. I had no clue what I was doing when I started this project. I didn’t know what I wanted out of my own life, I wasn’t sure what I believed, and I had no idea there were so many people who would care to read along as I explored ideas that helped me fill those gaps.
Like most artists, I’m attached to the delusion that no one understands me and I’ll never find someone who appreciates what I’m doing. And yet, every day another subscriber proves me wrong. This is how I know many of you are ready for what’s next. The Spiritual Soap newsletter will be reborn to meet me where I am now–a braver, bolder, more genuine me who knows what she’s seeking.
Welcome to The Black Sheep, a publication for people who see the dysfunction of our society and don’t fear walking a solitary path to pursue curiosity, truth, and honesty.
My career was born of braving social isolation for free expre…