Left, Right, Center, or Upside-Down: Control Freaks Abound
Politics aren't the problem, they're just the means to an ugly end.
You can’t make a move or state an opinion without confronting the real pandemic of our time: control freaks.
The loudest people today are the ones who are most certain they alone have everything figured out—everything. Which ideas are worth debating, how you should raise your kids, what makes a relationship good, what political beliefs you should have, and of course, how the entirety of our society should be run.
There’s no need for you anymore—that is, the you who’s an individual with unique experiences, insights, and the desire to forge a life of your own. The you that control freaks want is a body with a social security number that grants them the ability to sway society through social pressure and majority rule. All that extra stuff you call “individuality" is an obstacle to making you a cog in their machine.
Because what’s the point of other people if you can’t make them do what you want?
Instead of living out the unique life that each of us has, the pressure from those who want …